Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has sanctioned Rs 560 crore, earlier this week, for the restoration of major roads in Bangalore.
Sources in the government told here that the chief minister had signed the papers to sanction the amount in two phases. Both the phases, to repair and re-lay 249 roads, will be taken up exclusively by the Karnataka Rural Infrastructure Development Limited (KRIDL).
Under the first phase, it is said that, KRIDL has been asked to take up 139 of the worst roads at an estimated cost of Rs 300 crore.
Once the work on these roads are completed, the government will start the second phase between April-May 2014 to complete the restoration of the remaining 110 roads at a cost of Rs 160 crore.
According to the sources, Siddaramaiah has expressed his views directly to the top officials of KRIDL and told them to complete the task swiftly and proficiently.
It is said that the government grants were provided as result of the ‘near bankruptcy’ of the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) and, its inability to complete the project with the given time frame.
No tendering
It is said that the government was skeptical about awarding the projects under the tender process on account of delays it may cause in completing the road restoration work before the next monsoon season. Further, it was also said that the government was not comfortable with the rates which were likely to be quoted by contractors, which may exceed 10 to 20 per cent more than the actual cost.
KRIDL, it is said, will be completing the entire project at the Scheduled of Rates (SR) quoted by the Public Works Department (PWD) for any government project.
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